Sunday, April 7, 2013

Coven VS. Solitary Practice

So, I'm a few days late in this Thursday Pagan Blog Prompts thing, but real life has been throwing a few lemons at me. However, I checked in on PBP's site and I see that the topic is about Coven study vs. solitary study in your pagan/wiccan practice.

Here's the actual prompt text.
"Please forgive me if this prompt has been done, but coven vs. solitary practice is something I have always been interested in. I practice in a coven myself, but spent a many good years doing my own thing as a solitary, so I have felt first have the benefits and drawbacks of both situations.
How do you all feel? Do you practice in a group or solitary? Which do you prefer? If you chose one over the other, why do you feel that way? If you are a coven member, would you ever go back to being solitary? If you practice alone, would you ever join a group? Just something to think over. :)
I look forward to reading your thoughts!!"

Right now I like to think of me as both a Coven member and a solitary witch. I do have a coven and, actually the prompter that wrote this post is a Coven sister of mine. Love you, Ivy! 
But, I also do a lot of practice on my own. I've been on this path for 4 years going on 5 I've read a lot of blogs, articles, websites and the like about Wiccan practice (since that's how I identify - as a Wiccan.) Many people seem to think that once you start practicing in a Coven, if you ever do, then you have to do all of your practice with your Coven. Not so. I think that practicing with your Coven for a majority of the time, say for the Sabbats and for some Esbats are ideal, but you can't do ALL of your practicing with the Coven. 
Unless you all live together in a huge house, which would be cool, you can't share all your magickal moments together. Like drinking your morning cup of tea while feeling the cool breeze on your front porch. Or practicing your visualization skills while you take a morning shower (tropical waterfall in the amazon where there are no bills to pay anyone?) Or how about that extra moment you take to look up at the sky and wave to the moon when you take out the trash at night? 

These moments are just as magical as the ones you have in Coven circle time, if not more so - because they are intimate, they are yours and they are your moments with the Divine. In a way I prefer my solitary moments over Coven time. Yes I love my Coven to bits and I'd do anything for my girls. I can't imagine not having them in my life and the moments we have are so special. However, I also cherish those moments that I have alone, where I know that I'm right in my ways, where I'm not nervous as hell that I'm going to cast incorrectly or what have you. 

I guess I'm in the air. 50:50. I guess it's a good thing I'm a Coven member and a solitary witch. :)


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: Poison

Poison by Bridget Zinn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

#Poison is one of the best books I've read.

Zinn did an amazing job at keeping the story interesting, funny and down right GOOD. Kyra, Fred and Ariana are hilarious and the dialogue is perfection. There was amazing description throughout the entire novel, which makes me so happy. Normally the first few chapters are strong and then they start to fade. Not with Poison. I was drawn in from word one and I was even scolded for reading at work - I literally couldn't put it down.

I'd love to see more, and was highly depressed when I saw that the incredible author has left us. She was an amazing writer and the world is sorely missing out..

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Review: Shade

Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never thought that this book would be one of my all time favorites when I picked it up. But, this book and the entire series for that matter, are the ALL TIME favorites. They are amazingly written, have real, believable characters that are extremely relate-able to today's youth - which may or may not be a good thing.

I say this because in this book some real issues are presented such as drug use and sex. Gasp! teens thinking about having sex. For most people it's a fact of life that we wish to throw under the carpet and forget about. However Jeri Smith-Ready shows us that yes it does happen, yes teens are PEOPLE too. Just because they're young doesn't mean that they're stupid (as we can see from Aura, the main character.)

Aura and her boyfriend of the time Logan, are planning to consummate their relationship when things go bad. Like, really bad. Logan dies when he does what many teens might do - mix drugs and alcohol. He didn't know any better and he died because of it.

Fast forward a tiny bit and Aura meets Zachary the new Scottish exchange student at her school. There are instant sparks between then but Aura feels like crap because, wait for it, she can see/hear/speak to ghosts and Logan is one of them. So because Logan isn't gone, not for Aura at least, she feels super guilty for falling for Zach at the same time that her recently dead boyfriend is hanging around. And, they still have a relationship, kinda.

This book is amazing. While it is sci-fi(y) and has huge elements of paranormal romance in it, it's still got real contemporary issues that many teens will face in their lifetime. It's a real eye opener and will make you laugh, then make you cry.

Perfect book, I highly recommend it to anyone.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pagan Blog Prompts

So, lately I've just been posting my book reviews and that's fine and dandy, but I think that I'm also going to be doing a weekly post on Paganism.

I am Wiccan and my faith is a huge part of my life. I used to be Christian and my faith meant little to nothing for me. I went to church every Sunday and that was about it. In the summer I went to Vacation Bible School and taught a class here and there, but nothing more. When I was 13 I decided to leave the church. I didn't want to go to VBS in the summer, I didn't want to go to Sunday School. Sadly the church I went to was cliquish, if you can believe that. Everyone there had been going since they were born, and I was raised without religion until I was 7.

My mother is Protestant and my father was Catholic. When he passed away my mother had a religious turnabout, and since she wanted to make sure her children got into Heaven, she decided to have us baptized. Even from the age of 7 I couldn't understand the Christian faith. I thought that the Christian God sounded hypocritical on top of many other things. Luckily my mom is amazing and let me make the decision to stop going.

For a year or two I was content without being religious. I was trying to get through middle school, and then high school and sleeping in was more important to me than getting up and going to church. When I got to be 15/16 though I started to do some research. By the time I was 17 I identified with the "Pagan" label, and then later on I discovered Wicca.

When I was 18 I found the woman who is now my high priestess in my coven and we started that together. I've come a long way in the past few years when it comes to my faith (I'll be 21 in less than a month) but I still have a lot to learn and a lot to think about. That's where Pagan Blog Prompts comes in. Every Thursday they have a new Pagan themed prompt and one of my Coven sisters just so happens to be a co-admin now. So, in addition to my book reviews and any other random posts I decide to throw on here, I am also going to try to faithfully (hah, pun) blog about the prompts that the ladies on PBP provide.

In love and light.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Review: Elemental

Elemental by Emily White

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It was super interesting, although it was hard to wrap my head around some of the aspects of the novel. I don't usually enjoy sci-fi novels, but this one had enough romance in it to keep me satisfied.

A lot of this was hard to keep straight because of all the made up names and the fact that the races of people seemed to be human with normal English language but had some extras thrown in. Still not sure if the Kofra is like an emperor or more like a human-like god.

Still, enjoyed this enough to be waiting for the second book "Fae."

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Review: Touch of Power

Touch of Power
Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Really awesome book. Trying to find book #2. Avry and Kerrick were to die for.

I love how Avry is so bada**. Kerrick is quite annoying at the beginning. Still not sure how and when they fell for each other, but I guess opposites attract.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review: Taste It

Taste It
Taste It by Sommer Marsden

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Decent. Yes, this was erotica and it had a lot of sex, but it had a pretty good story-line as well. Most erotic romance is just sex from the first page to the last, but I was surprised and delighted with the plot. Two chefs competing on T.V.? Never heard of it before, and it was executed well.

But this is still an erotic novel and there was explicit sex scenes, and lots of them. Steamy but sometimes sweet. I'm glad it turned into something more for both characters instead of mindless sex.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Review: A Million Suns

A Million Suns
A Million Suns by Beth Revis

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I've waited a long time to read this, since it's been a long time since I could get my hands on a copy of the book. I didn't quite remember where Across the Universe left off, but I still think that this was a pretty good book.
It was depressing as hell and made me think way too much, but it was good.

Except...Amy pissed me off. So. Bad. She's stubborn, and selfish and I just do not like her. Throughout the book she tries to get Elder to run the ship the way she wants it, or thinks it needs to be run. She didn't like Phydus so the people were taken off, she doesn't like Orion, so he had to stay frozen. It's really quite annoying. I understand that Elder is devoted to her, that he loves her (only he never says that,) but it ticks me off at how everything has to be just the way she wants it. She demands so much from Elder, yet doesn't really give that much in return. She should have told him about Luthor right when it happened, not three months later after Victria is hurt. She wallows in self-pity and self-made fear and then shuts Elder out, when he's the only one that is there to help her.

So, besides for Amy I think it was a decent book, but since Amy is the FMC, the book only gets 3 stars.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review: Ascend

Ascend by Amanda Hocking

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

LOOOOOOOVE THIS! I was putting this off for a really long time, since I knew the ending, due to another review having spoilers. I hate spoilers and so I sort of rebelled. I would NOT read the book, I would be strong.

So a year later, and I decided to read the book. I'm so happy that I did. Now, I'm in a book hangover, and I don't know how I'm going to be able to cope. I'm very pleased with the way things were wrapped up though. There was an epilogue and so there are no questions, no cliffhangers. Things were wrapped up very nicely. I'm quite pleased with the way things turned out and I can now say that I am firmly Team Loki. I was Team Finn. I am now Team Loki. Due to spoilerage I won't say why, but if you're still Team Finn at the end of the book then I don't think we read the same books.

Since it was so long since I've read books one and two I can't remember if the book picked up where the others left off, but I'm pretty sure that they do.

Awesome read, very awesome read.

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