Monday, May 25, 2020

[Review] Zen for Druids by Joanna van der Hoeven

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Title: Zen for Druids
Author: Joanna van der Hoeven
Publisher: Moon Books
Publishing Date: October 16th, 2016

Pages: 145

The teachings of Zen Buddhism combined with the earth-based tradition of Druidry can create a holistic way of life that is deeply integrated with the seasons, the environment and the present moment.

In soul-deep relationship we can use the techniques and wisdom from both traditions to find balance and harmony within our own lives. In this text we explore the concepts of the Dharma (the Buddha's teachings) and how they relate to the wisdom of the Druid tradition.

We also look at the Wheel of the Year in modern Druidry with regards to the Dharma, incorporating the teachings into every seasonal festival in an all-encompassing celebration of nature. We explore meditation, mindfulness, animism and integration with nature, learning how to find sustainable relationship in the work that we do, opening our souls to the here and now and seeing the beauty and wonder that enchants our lives in every waking moment. Step into a new life, fully awake and aware to the beauty of the natural world.

Hello all! Today I have a review for you - and it's taken me quite some time to get around to doing it!

I feel like the amount of time it took me to write this (well over a year) is another testament to why this book has a 3 triquetra rating from me, I feel like this book is just sort of ho-hum. 

I was first drawn to it by the description; I feel like Zen is something I need to approach and utilize due to my generalized anxiety disorder, and I feel drawn to Druidry.

However, it seems like these two things just don't mesh for me, no matter how much I want them to. Zen feels like being ultra mindful and withdrawn inwardly, whereas Druidry has a certain wildness. 

While the author has made a valiant effort at combining the two, and I've no doubt that many people will find it a lovely manual for how to proceed, it didn't seem that it was for me. 

About the Author

Joanna van der Hoeven is a Druid, Witch, author and teacher. She has written several books on Druidry including the best-selling The Awen Alone: Walking the Path of the Solitary Druid. She has also written countless articles for Pagan magazines and websites, and spoken at conferences, fairs, festivals and more. Joanna is the co-founder of Druid College UK, which offers a three-year training programme, and she is also the director of her own dance company.

Joanna was born in Quebec, Canada. She moved to the UK in 1998, where she now lives with her husband in a small village near the coast of the North Sea.

She has studied with Emma Restall Orr and the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. She has a BA Hons English Language and Literature degree. In her spare time, Joanna enjoys reading, hiking and singing back to the land.

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