Saturday, June 29, 2019

[Review] Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson

Pagan Portals - Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson

Title: Sun Magic
Author: Rachel Patterson
Publisher: Moon Books
Pages: 144

Live in harmony with the solar year and to utilise all the magical powers it provides.  Sun Magic is a book filled with the basics of the sun cycle, the representations and correspondences, what magic to work and when. It also looks at the solar year, sun deities, sun spells, meditations, specific sun rituals, sun recipes and more.

For a Pagan Portal book (a short, intro title on the topic) I was surprised at how many different topics Patterson was able to get through. We have some lore/myth, recipes, divination, meditations, a whole host of correspondence and a great deal of humor. While some may not like the more laid back approach, I quite liked it. It made the author come across as a friend instead of a professor lecturing us on the Sun and made for a great summer afternoon read. 

I will definitely be trying some of the recipes, and the meditations for sure. I think my favorite part was the section on crafting as I love handicrafts and would have loved to see a bit more in that section, but for the size of the book, I really can't complain. We do get quite a bit of information here.

If you're looking for a quick start guide to working with the Sun, then please give this book a read, I don't think you'll be disappointed! 4 Triquetras for this convenient title with the sunshiny cover! I loved the sunflowers and setting sun - made it feel quite cozy and set the stage perfectly for some Sun Magic!

*I received a free copy from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

About the Author
Rachel PattersonI am a witch...have been for a very long time, not the green-skinned warty kind obviously...the real sort but I am also a working wife and mother who has also been lucky enough to write and have published a book or three.

I love to learn, I love to study and I have done so from books, online resources schools and wonderful mentors over the years and still continues to learn each and every day but I have learnt the most from actually getting outside and doing it.

I like to laugh...and eat cake...

I regularly give talks to local pagan groups and co-run open rituals and workshops run by the Kitchen Witch Coven.

I am High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven and an Elder at the online Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchcraft.

It is also my pleasure to contribute articles regularly to the Mystik Way, Pagan Dawn and Spirit & Destiny magazines.

My craft is a combination of old religion witchcraft, wicca, kitchen witchery, hedge witchery and folkmagic. My heart is that of a Kitchen Witch.

I have regular blogs on Patheos Pagan (Beneath the Moon) and Witches & Pagans (Hedge Witch)

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