Tuesday, July 9, 2024

[Review] A Guide of Spirits by Chris Allaun

Title: A Guide of Spirits
Author: Chris Allaun
Publisher: Moon Books
Pages: 224
Publication Date: October 1st, 2021

Learn the magick of energy healing for those on their sacred journey into the land of the ancestors. A Guide of Spirits teaches us how to guide the dying to the land of the ancestors in a way that is balancing and healing. It teaches us how to help the person who is transitioning energetically and spiritually prepare for their final journey to the afterlife. Chris Allaun also shows the witch and healer how to escort earthbound spirits to the ancestral lands so they may find healing and rejuvenation. This is a step-by-step 'how to' book to help every witch, healer, and shaman lend comfort and compassion to the dying.

2. Basic Themes of the Book
3. Judgement on the writing style
4. Who should read the books
5. how it made you feel
6. summary of what happened with no spoilers
7. loved or hated and why
8. how well did the book achieve its goal
9. recommended or not, and why
10. describe favorite character or favorite portion of the book
11. How the book was obtained; thanks if need be. 

This book's main themes are around psychopomp work, death, dying etc. A note that if you are easily frightened by death or dying, you will probably want to skip this one as these are, maybe obviously, quite heavy themes in the book.

This book is a well thought out and well laid out guide to psychopomp work - the work of guiding the dead to their afterlife. While I am not a psychopomp/death doula, I can see the great value of this sort of work and am impressed by the thought and efforts that went into compiling Allaun's 20+ years of experience for those who are called to do this work. 

Although I will not be taking up that mantle, I still have learned several things from this book that will help me on my spiritual path. I feel that anyone working with energy or spirits (who isn't these days!) will gain some profound knowledge, and will benefit from doing the exercises given in the book as well. 
The writing was easy to understand and accessible. These are big, heavy topics as I mentioned in the beginning of this review so having a more conversational tone was really helpful in being able to absorb the material without getting bogged down with vernacular that I wasn't familiar with. 

I do not resonate with a lot of the chakra talk, as a heads up for other white witches who are looking to have less appropriative materials to look at, although this doesn't negate the other information and anecdotes that Allaun brings to the table. 

A big thank you to Moon Books for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

About the Author

Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft and magick since 1992. He is one of the founders and ministers of The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He is an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft and the OTO. He follows Lakota spirituality and has permission to perform sacred pipe ceremonies. He teaches classes on shamanism, witchcraft, necromancy, and energy healing. He lives in Chicago, IL, USA

Chris is the author of Underworld: Shamanism, Myth, and Magick, Deeper Into The Underworld: Death, Ancestors, and Magical Rites, and Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms. He continues to study and teach the magickal arts to those who seek to balance the three worlds in their own lives.

Chris Allaun can be found on Facebook: Chris Allaun: Author. Teacher. Healer
Twitter @chris_allaun
instagram: chrisallaun

He has been interviewed on many podcast including: Lunatic Mondays, Chicago Pagan Podcast, The Brew Podcast, Walking The Unnamed Path. He has also been on Magick Radio several times.

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