Jennifer Ivy Walker creates a magical fantasy story in The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven. This beautiful fantasy novel captured my full attention from start to finish. Jennifer Ivy Walker infuses espionage, betrayal, love, magic, and danger throughout the story. The transitions were flawless. The end of the story left me yearning to read the sequel. I recommend The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven to readers who enjoy fantasy romances full of magic and strengthened by well-developed characters.~ Reviewed by Stephanie Chapman for Readers’ FavoriteThe Wild Rose and the Sea Raven is a captivating paranormal romance tale. The reader will absolutely become enthralled by this fascinating, exciting, and action-packed story. Walker created three plots that merged together easily. Each plot was intertwined with the others so intricately and seamlessly that the reader will be caught up completely within the pages. As each character is introduced, the author gives a solid enough portrayal to be able to visualize the character as they come to life on the pages of this book. The reader will fall in love with Issylte as she navigates her fate, beginning from her homeland of Ireland to England and then on the island of Avalon.~ Reviewed by Teresa Syms for Readers' Favorite
Excerpt 1 from “The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven”
He opened the brilliant blue eyes that she’d seen in the vision.
As she gazed into them, the earth tilted. Her heart raced; her bearings were lost. In the depths of his eyes, she glimpsed a fountain in a forest. The turquoise waters of the ocean. An underground well encased by sacred stones. She, the forest fairy, was immersed in the blue waters of the warrior’s eyes, the waves emanating from him flowing through her, cleansing her. Beckoning her.
In Tristan’s eyes, Issylte glimpsed a black bird—a sea raven—soaring over an open sea, hovering now before her. A small dove fluttered in her breast, called forth from her soul. White wings unfurled as she took flight, rising into the azure sky alongside the black seabird—-floating together through the diaphanous clouds scattered across the vast ocean.
In the breadth of an instant, Issylte was bound to this warrior, the Blue Knight of Cornwall, as if fate had indeed entwined them. Through the windows of his eyes, she peered into his soul, her own blending with his, as if they were the forest and the ocean, encircled now within the three layers of protective stones, the holy trinity of sacred elements of the Goddess.
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nice cover
I liked this excerpt from the book
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