Title: Crystal Prescriptions: Space Clearing Volume 5
Author: Judy Hall
Publisher: O-Books
Pages: 360
Publication Date: December 9th, 2016
The next in the highly successful Crystal Prescriptions series, this volume covers crystals for space clearing, Feng Shui and psychic protection with extensive introductory material and practical exercises, plus the usual A-Z format directory. Whether you need to create a safe space for everyday living or meditation, or craft an oasis of calm in a buzzing work environment, or to protect your home in a crime-ridden area, crystals may assist you. You’ll be able to work in harmony with the Feng Shui bagua to attract abundance and enhance all areas of your life. You’ll find crystals to ghostbust, to clear curses no matter how far back in your ancestral line, to remove spirit attachments, and to retrieve the lost soul parts that could make you vulnerable to psychic attack. Crystals will help you to strengthen your aura, create a firewall between you and the outside world, and repel psychic invasion. You will also be able to craft practical amulets for everyday wear and learn how to make crystals work for you.
A big thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! I'm always so thankful to have these opportunities!
This volume is all about space clearing, feng shui, and psychic protection, which I think is helpful, especially now as I'm writing this during COVID times. Having some extra support is, in my opinion, quite necessary, and turning to crystals may be a helpful spiritual option, in addition to all the mundane tasks we are all doing on the daily.
I think that there are many helpful things within this book, but a few - such as soul retrieval - that shouldn't be touched unless you're trained in those specific modalities. Soul retrieval is an intense shamanic practice and only using crystals isn't necessarily the safest practice around.
Note: This book does utilize chakras, and other things that are deemed culturally appropriative for white people.
Overall, I enjoyed the book and will be using it as a reference for trying to make my workplace a little more harmonious.
4/5 Triquetras - any crystal lover will surely enjoy this volume!
About the Author
An internationally known author, astrologer, psychic, healer, broadcaster and workshop leader, Judy Hall has been a karmic counsellor for over thirty years.
Her books have been translated into fifteen languages. Her specialities are past life readings and regression; reincarnation, astrology, psychology and natural forms of healing.
She has clients from all walks of life: the House of Lords, the European Parliament, pop singers, university professors, scientists and mystics, and people on social security.
She has conducted workshops around the world. A trained healer and counsellor, she has been psychic all her life and has a wide experience of many systems of divination and natural healing methods.
Judy has a B.Ed. in Religious Studies and an extensive knowledge of world religions and mythology. Her mentor was Christine Hartley (Dion Fortune's metaphysical colleague and literary agent). She completed her Masters Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at Bath Spa University.
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