Friday, August 2, 2013

Review: The Girl with the Iron Touch

The Girl with the Iron Touch
The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ahhhhh, I'm still fangirling all over the place with this one!

Lovely addition to the Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross.

Will add more once I can think straight!
The book ends on QUITE a lovely note!

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Flirt Squad Challenge: What are YOU passionate about?

Hey guys!

So, as you can see by that wonderful blog button to the right that am a part of the Flirt Squad, the street team/fan club for Rachel Harris.

Soon her second book in the My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century series will be out and to celebrate we're doing all sorts of fun stuff to prepare the world for A Tale of Two Centuries!

I've already had the privilege to read this book and my review will be out on Step Into Fiction on August 6th!

In order to get ready, like I said, we're doing a bunch of fun stuff. Namely, we're having a bunch of challenges! This week's challenge is to write about what we're passionate about, or who we are and what we do or want to do with this great big thing we call life.

So, this blog post is about what I am, what I'm passionate about. Or we could have made a collage or something or other that shows what Less is passionate about  (theater.)

I decided to combine the two. I painted. I love to paint. I'm not saying I'm super great or anything, but it's something I love to do and it makes me feel a million times better after I do.

Then I thought about Less. How she's constantly struggling to find an in-between. Highs and lows. Light and Darkness.

She reminded me of Persephone from the Greek Myth. To go or to I painted what I felt when I thought of Less, and Austin and ATOTC in general.

I call this one "Hades and Persephone."

As you can tell it's abstract. It's what you make of it. It's lightness, it's darkness, it's a little bit of something else. It's Less. It's passion thrown in the mix. It's abstract because, like theater it is what YOU make of it.

(Those little brass looking things are the bottom of the easel clips.)

So, that's my passion - painting and letting the viewer bring what they will to it. My canvas may be colored, but it's still blank - it's still waiting for what YOU add to it.

So, what is your passion?

And here's the wonderful book that inspired it all!

A Tale of Two Centuries (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century #2)
Rachel Harris
Entangled Teen; August 6th, 2013
Paperback; 320 pages.

Alessandra D’Angeli is in need of an adventure. Tired of her sixteenth-century life in Italy and homesick for her time-traveling cousin, Cat, who visited her for a magical week and dazzled her with tales of the future, Alessandra is lost. Until the stars hear her plea.

One mystical spell later, Alessandra appears on Cat’s Beverly Hills doorstep five hundred years in the future. Surrounded by confusing gadgets, scary transportation, and scandalous clothing, Less is hesitant to live the life of a twenty-first century teen…until she meets the infuriating—and infuriatingly handsome—surfer Austin Michaels. Austin challenges everything she believes in…and introduces her to a world filled with possibility.

With the clock ticking, Less knows she must live every moment of her modern life while she still can. But how will she return to the drab life of her past when the future is what holds everything she’s come to love?

And the wonderful author!
 Rachel Harris!
As a teen, Rachel Harris threw raging parties that shook her parents’ walls and created embarrassing fodder for future YA novels. As an adult, she reads and writes obsessively, rehashes said embarrassing fodder, and dreams up characters who become her own grown up version of imaginary friends.
She grew up in New Orleans, watching soap operas with her grandmother and staying up late sneak reading her mam's favorite romance novels. Now a Cajun cowgirl living in Houston, she still stays up too late reading her favorite romances, only now, she can do so openly. She firmly believes life's problems can be solved with a hot, powdered-sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.
She homeschools her two beautiful girls and loves watching reality television with her amazing husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult Fun, Flirty Escapes, and LOVES talking with readers!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Review: Destined

Destined by Aprilynne Pike

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lovely ending to the Wings series!

I have to say I'm quite surprised with the way things turned out and I'm still not sure if I'm happy or sad or...what.

At the very end there is an authors note and a FINAL ending, but...make sure you read the author note - you may not want to read this final ending. I'm kinda regretting it.


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Review: Illusions

Illusions by Aprilynne Pike

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, I was pleased with the ending of this book. Leaves off nicely for book #4.

As you can tell from my updates, if you check those out, Laurel was pissing me off big time. She's yanking both David and Tamani around and in case you couldn't tell I'm firmly Team Tamani.

Not to say David isn't great...but...well, I'll just leave it alone.

Good plot moved quickly, very excited for books 4

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Review: Spells

Spells by Aprilynne Pike

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I give this three stars because I'm stubborn and I didn't quite like the ending.

This review is going to be personal instead of professional.

Laurel pisses me off and I love Shar for yelling at her at the end of the novel, she deserved it for all the crap she's been pulling on everyone.
She's lied to Chelsea, David, her parents, Tamani, everyone and quite frankly she annoys the hell out of me.

She's turning into one of those pea-brained girls in novels who thinks that she's strong enough to "handle" life and death situations because she's too stupid to ask for help. In the long run it just hurts everyone.

I couldn't even feel bad for her when things went wrong in the love triangle she has going, because that too pisses me off.

She even acknowledged herself that she's straddling two worlds and she can't do that anymore. So she's being selfish and choosing the human world. I understand her to a degree, but at the same time she's just annoying me.

Honestly I can't see why Tamani or David would like/ "love" her at all.

Not too sure why I'm feeling so strongly towards the hate for Laurel, but it's there.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Review: Darklight

Darklight by Lesley Livingston

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lovely sequel, advanced the plot nicely, didn't fizzle out like many sequels tend to do. Not too happy with the ending, but there's just enough of a cliffhanger to have me get to my local library to pick up book 3!

Hopefully Sonny and Kelley will get that happily ever after in the next volume.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

"You Are What You Eat."

This blog post is going to be about why I'm turning back to my Vegetarianism/Veganism after about a month of eating meat following a year or so of no meat.
I'm going to try to explain why I feel that, for me, being a vegetarian is the best option for me, not only as an animal rights activist, but as a Wiccan. I'm not here to try to convert anyone, but if you happen to want to give vegetarianism/veganism a shot, well hell, I'll be pleased. 

Maybe some of you will agree with me, some of you may think I'm crazy. I hope maybe some of you will see where I'm coming from and perhaps even agree with me. 
I'm going to try to keep this as "normal" as possible without going into my animal rights activist rant. 
But I make no promises. 

"You are what you eat." 

Think about it. We've all heard it. We've heard it from the gym teachers yelling at us to stop eating all the donuts, we've heard it from our mothers wanting us to cut out junk food. But think about it. You are what you eat. 
What does this mean to you? Does it mean what most people take is as? A way to curb people from stuffing themselves with greasy french fries and sugary sodas? Or do you take it a step further? 

As I was driving to work today, I had a minor epiphany. For the past month or so I've been nibbling on meat again. I don't really know why. At first I felt like my body felt better when I ate meat. Yes I'm an activist, yes I've leafleted and tabled with organizations and yes I know all about the horrors of factory farming - that's why I first went "veg" a year or so ago. Still, I listen to my body first and organizations second, sometimes third. 

For the past two weeks I've had digestive issues. I won't horrify you with details of that. Today I decided than rather than deal with the stomach aches and issues, I was going to cut out meat again. In addition to the stomach issues I've had crap energy. I haven't been sleeping well, I feel sluggish all the time and I have headaches more often. So, as I was thinking of the money I would save by not eating meat I started to think and "you are what you eat," popped in my head. As I watched the world go by me in blur of green trees and red robin birds I realized that I can't eat meat anymore. 

Keeping the "you are what you eat" in the back of your mind hear me out. As a pagan woman I believe we're all connected. I believe that animals have spirits. I believe that animals fear, love, have hopes and lives and dreams. As an activist I know these sentiments are true. I've read countless articles, watched documentaries, read outlines of research and all that. I know that piggies are just as smart as dogs, if not smarter, that baby chicks communicate with their mothers while they're still in the eggs, that dolphins are smarter than cats (my cat Snowy will disagree, but that's a story for another post.) 

I believe that whatever we eat sustains us. This can be proven by science. We don't eat, we die. Fact. Whatever it is that we eat is absorbed into us. As I was thinking today I thought: "well, if we absorb whatever we eat...and that happens to be meat...and the meat is really an animal...and those animals have feelings...well, what if, just what if we absorb what those animals were feeling?" 

You are what you eat. 

Humor me for a second. Really think about it. Personally, ever since I've incorporated meat into my life I've been a little moodier, a lot more angry when I have the digestive issues, sluggish, "like crap." All of the meat that I've shucked out money to buy has come from factory farms where the animals have been brutally killed. All meat is murdered. I'm pretty sure all the animals felt immense pain, intense fear. Those were their last feelings, the last things that ran through their minds, their bodies, theirs souls....and I eat that. 

I'm absorbing all that negativity, all that fear, all that brutality. That's what's sustaining me, my body, that's what's feeding my soul. And I'm not ok with that.  If you are what you eat and I'm eating a bunch of unhealthy (yes meat is unhealthy for you) negativity, well it's no wonder why I feel like crap all the time. It's no wonder that I'm in a spiritual slump of not doing a damned thing. 

What do you guys think? Does this make sense to you? Do you feel that by changing what you live on will change your spirituality at all? What sustains you? 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Review: Unhinged - Chapter Sampler

Unhinged - Chapter Sampler
Unhinged - Chapter Sampler by A.G. Howard

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Super catching!

Loved this even though it was only a sampler, can't wait for the actual book to come out. This is the sampler for the second book in the series and I haven't read the first one - but! This sampler made is to that I'm dying to know what happens in order for things to leave off/why this book starts this way.

On a hunt for book one - can't wait to read it and get to book 2. Great way to hook readers! Plus - this was free on amazon!

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Review: Wondrous Strange

Wondrous Strange
Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lovely story!


As a Pagan I enjoy how the gates are named after Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. Very happy with the authors thinking on that one.
Again, with Herne being in charge of the hunt, since Herne can be considered "The Horned God." Very nice there.

One qualm I have is with Sonny and Kelley's relationship and how quickly it developed. It seems as if they were professing their love out of no where. There was some tension in the beginning, but it also seems as if they went from hating each other, and really, Kelly thinking that he's a stalker, and then they're saying that they love each other.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the way it happened and I still really, really like the relationship. I just think that it didn't progress as smoothly as I would've liked for it to.

I also think that Auberon is a jerk. A really big douche bag in fact.

Oh and speaking of Auberon, I do really like how Auberon is in charge of one realm and Titania is in charge of another. Most tales stick those two together as King and Queen, so it was nice to see a change even though we don't meet Titania or the Lord of Spring in this book - maybe book 2?

Overall good read, decent romance, good suspense and at the end you'll start flipping pages like there's no tomorrow.

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